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Tips on Choosing a Cleaning Service
by Take Time admin | Edited Feb 3, 2025
This can be overwhelming. I have limited this to six major considerations.
- Security: most obvious, the company should be bonded and insured. Ask for a copy of the insurance certificate. Also ask how do you secure keys or codes, credit card information; how many people have access to my information.
- Integrity: Be cautious of Reviews. Unfortunately, some companies will flood their own review sites with fake 5 star reviews while posting 1 or 2 star reviews on their competitor’s sites. There are actually individuals who earn a living (under the table) by posting fake reviews for their clients. With a variety of devices and locations their IP addresses are different and go undetected by algorithms.
- Service and Policies: Is service complete/customizable or are there lots of Add-Ons that really should be part of a regular clean. Policies may be used to make more money off the account.
- Pricing: by the Hour or the Job: This is a huge consideration. If a company won’t give you an hourly rate, stay clear. All companies have an hourly rate even if they "charge by the Job" also know as "Flat Rate". Pricing by the Hour Is the only Transparent method. You know exactly what you’re paying and what your getting in return. Pricing by the Job or some other hocus pocus method is purposely unclear. You are very likely paying more than is necessary, especially, if cleaners leave at the low end of of the time range.
- Be Careful of Lofty Claims!: Be careful of companies that claim to have a unique system. Do they hold a patent? For example, a wash, dry, shine method isn’t patented because it can’t be. It isn’t unique. It’s a common practise in the cleaning industry for both residential cleaning companies and hotels. Such a claim might be meant to convince the public that the company is special, and therefore worth paying a higher price?
- Do They Pay Their Employees Well?: This is important to you! Cleaning is hard work! If they are making low wages, there will be high turn over in staff.
For more helpful tips check out our quarterly Ask The Expert column in Style Manitoba.
Take Time Home Cleaning
Winnipeg’s Award Winning company, earning the trust and loyalty of hundreds of families and companies since 2009. Seven-time Top Choice Award Winner for Best Cleaning Company in Winnipeg!
Our reliable, affordable service and 360-degree quality assurance gives clients a dedicated cleaner who is personally managed by our attentive staff to ensure that your level of service is the same from your first clean to your fiftieth.
The best paid cleaners in Winnipeg… by far! Plus full benefits!
We look after our staff… and they look after you. Learn More
Winnipeg Residential Cleaning Companies
Is cluttered space wearing you down? Then, you are in the right place. Take Time Cleaning And Lifestyle Services is one of the most reliable Winnipeg residential cleaning companies with over a decade of experience. We have built a stellar reputation in the industry since 2009, something we strive to maintain. We have a dependable crew specializing in various cleaning techniques and can handle different requirements within a reasonable timeframe. As one of the longest-serving multiple award-winning companies, you can be sure of receiving unequalled services in terms of quality.
- Protection – Working with a team that values your property as much as you do comes with unrivalled peace of mind, which is what we deliver. We believe that nothing protects clients more than insurance and bonding. Our company and cleaners are insured and bonded for your safety, one element setting us apart in the industry.
- Guaranteed Satisfaction – Professional skill sets are mandatory when considering comprehensive home cleaning. It is one of the best ways of protecting your huge investment, which is every home. You require Winnipeg residential cleaning companies that operate locally, assuring you of a hassle-free experience. Our team undergoes regular training to keep up with modern cleaning methods, which enables us to maintain the highest quality standards. That is why we have won multiple awards in Winnipeg – top choice awards for seven years straight. Our ratings on BBB are impressive and have been the same for a decade-plus.
- Service Variety – We customize our cleaning routines to suit your needs, meaning you can contact us whenever you are free or ready. We use different scourging techniques for various surfaces for optimal results without wearing them off.
Many residential cleaning companies in Winnipeg MB provide numerous services, and we are no different. We can clean your entire house, whether you want to stage an open house or put your home in order after renovation. We can always rely on our team to handle the job correctly because we pay and train them well. Some of our areas of expertise include:
- Residential cleaning
- Upholstery and carpet cleaning
- Commercial cleaning
We are here to make your weekends relaxing. We handle the home cleaning to allow you to rejuvenate after a long week. We strive to remain one of the best Winnipeg residential cleaning companies. You can always reach us at (204) 770-7103.